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  SherryAN侃英国是一个: 文艺清新(越说越污)、内涵深邃(深井冰晚期)、根正苗红(三观跑偏)同时又能教会大家很多英语文化小知识(绝对不是堆砌百科)的欢脱freetalk!这次咱们来说说,英国人的宠物情节~



  The data showed that cat owners were more likely to find inspiration from their favorite foods, Game of Thrones and Harry Potter, whereas more dogs were named after their owners musical heroes.

  数据显示,猫咪的主人们更有可能从他们最 喜爱的食物、《权力的游戏》、《哈利波特》 中获取灵感,而狗狗们多数是以他们主人的音乐偶像的名字来命名的。

  Westley Pearson, director of marketing for Animal Friends, said: Trends over the last few years have shown that people are far more likely to give their pets human names than ever before, which could be attributed to the fact that we are gradually considering our pets are a part of the family.


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